The United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America leads the way in training, educating, and representing the next generation of skilled construction professionals. We equip our professional craftsmen with skills that are demanded in today’s construction industry.
Lead Story: Active Learning for Safety. Also: 43rd General Convention Call; Gear Up for Tax Fraud Days of Action; and a Message from the General President.
Beginning May 7, 2025, every air traveler 18 years of age and older will need a REAL ID-compliant driver’s license, state-issued enhanced driver’s license, or another acceptable form of ID to fly within the United States. Members will also need REAL ID-compliant identification for many industries where we work.
Increasing the skills of United Brotherhood of Carpenters’ (UBC) members and enabling them to do their very best work on the job is the Carpenters International Training Funds’ (CITF) top priority. The CITF considers skill, safety, productivity, and attitude to be the keys to success for UBC members and business partners.
The United Brotherhood of Carpenters’ (UBC) Department of Education & Training (DET) is the architect behind training UBC employees and members as they develop the necessary skills to be successful on and off the jobsite. The DET is a critical element of the UBC, as it aligns education, training, and development of its members and employees with the mission, vision, and strategic priorities of the Brotherhood.
The United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (UBC) is one of North America’s largest building trades unions, with over a half-million members. With pride in our more than 135-year history, we strive for job fairness and family-sustaining wages and benefits.
The United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (UBC) encourages its more than half a million members to be active participants in the political process through voting, volunteering, and supporting candidates who fight for the goals of working people, promote needed infrastructure investments, and support fair trade.
Get news and information about the UBC delivered straight to your mobile phone. The United Brotherhood of Carpenters’ texting program enables members to stay connected when news about our Union is available.
Text “UBC” to 855-439-1990 to join the UBC mobile messaging program.
Text “UBC” to 877-705-2267 to join the UBC mobile messaging program.
Mobile alerts from the United Brotherhood of Carpenters (UBC). Periodic messages. UBC will never charge for these updates, but carrier message & data rates may apply. U.S.: Text STOP to (855) 439-1990 to stop receiving messages or HELP for more information. Canada: Text STOP to (877) 705-2267 to stop receiving messages or HELP for more information.